SGA Debate 2016


Candidate for SGA President


“It is essential to elect an SGA President who has a proven track record of getting things done. One who cares for and includes each and every student. One who is committed to serving you and improving campus. I believe my SGA record reflects all of these principles and that I am best person to serve as SGA President. I respectfully ask for your vote!”

Read the rest of Sarah’s political platform HERE


Alex Centre Pic 1 (2)

Candidate for SGA President


“I’m so very honored to have the opportunity to serve you as your next SGA President. Thank you so much for taking the time to read my platform. I know the lives of Centre students can be very busy, so I greatly appreciate it. The common goal of my platform is to support you, the students of Centre College. I have every intention of making a positive and lasting impact next year, if I am elected. If you have any questions, concerns, or ideas, please feel free to contact me, by email or in person. My email is I’d love to have your vote on March 17th & 18th.”

Read the rest of Alex’s political platform HERE



Michael Greathouse
Candidate for SAC President


“My name is Michael Greathouse and I’ve been a member of Centre’s Student Activities Council for three years. Most recently I have served on the executive board as treasurer, which gives me a deep understanding of its budgets, goals, and opportunities that an organization this size commands … I’m well qualified and care deeply about this organization, which is why I ask that you vote for Greathouse this Thursday.”

Read the rest of Michael’s political platform HERE



Prathyu Matam
Candidate for SAC President


“As President of Student Activities Council, I plan to make this organization more inclusive for Centre students. There are two ways I plan to do this. First, I will strengthen communication between SAC and the student body by consistently sending out surveys and also giving students the opportunity to voice their opinions at every event we put on. Second, I will diversify collaborations with other organizations on campus, looking to a variety of clubs on campus in order to draw in different types of students. I will take these measures so that SAC’s events next year reach a larger audience. After all, more students can only mean more entertainment, which is what SAC is all about!”


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Bryce Rowland
Candidate for Speaker of the House


“This year as Speaker, I have learned all about our college, our SGA, and students’ perceptions of our organization. Some students really enjoy our presence on campus and some students don’t; however, many students believe that the Student Government Association is not equipped to solve big problems on campus. While SGA has done a good job over the past few years funding organizations or projects around campus, we have not done a good job dealing with bigger problems surrounding our campus environment. This is where I have found my niche this past year as your Speaker of the House, and where I promise that I will continue to work hard in the year to come.”

Read the rest of Bryce’s political platform HERE



Mason Paas
Candidate for President of the Senate


“In short, as President of the Senate, the main thrust of my work would be the work of communication: I would foster more important conversations, leading to action and a better academic experience for all.”

Read the rest of Mason’s political platform HERE