by Connor Parks For all those confused about the circumstances regarding next week’s highly awaited Henry Louis Gates Jr. Convocation, slated to be this year’s Press Distinguished Lecture, there’s both good and bad news. Unfortunately, though not yet publicly announced to Centre’s student body, it has been confirmed that the event will no longer be […]
Category: News
The New Housing System: A Recap
by Soren Ryan-Jensen Housing! Once again, the mad dash to figure out roommates and what dorms to aim for has begun. As some may remember, your position in the housing lottery used to be determined by seniority, gender, and randomness. This year, however, the system is different. If you’re unfamiliar with the housing lottery at […]
SGA Debate Recap
by Sarah Nipper The SGA Elections have officially begun following the Spring Election Debate. Serving as the only uniform setting for candidates to campaign, the SGA Debate is essential for learning about candidates’ values and responses to campus concerns. In case you missed it, here are the highlights. (Since the positions other than President are […]
What You Need to Know About the New Athletics Building: Q&A with Director of Athletics Brad Fields
By Sarah Nipper, Staff Writer and Social Media Editor There has been much buzz about the new athletic building Centre will be unveiling this academic year. Despite seeing and hearing the massive construction site almost every day, I realized that I didn’t actually know much about it. There has been heavy discourse amongst students about […]
Boyle County Bans Books
by Linley Mueller, Staff Writer On October 19th, schools in Boyle County, Kentucky decided to ban 100 books. When Senate Bill 150 was passed, there were intense restrictions put on talk about sexual and gender identity in classrooms. As of March 2023, the book ban has spread to many schools. School libraries removed books that […]
Centre United… and Divided
by Olivia Barker, Arts & Leisure Editor and Staff Writer Currently, there are 575 students working on Centre’s campus. By the end of the year, this number will be near 700. With such a large margin of Centre’s students employed on campus, work-study has an incredible impact on Centre’s culture, seen by many students as […]
By Hallie Gleeson, Opinion Editor and Staff Writer Do you remember the School House Rock song we all watched in fifth grade about voting? Excellent news: now you’re finally allowed to exercise your civic duty (aka one of the best parts about being an American citizen!) On September 19th, tens of thousands of new voters […]
A Fabulous Family Weekend
“We’ve been to every single one. Always good memories, but I have to say, I think today’s been our best.” By Sarah Nipper On the weekend of September 22nd to 24th, Centre hosted its annual Family Weekend, and the campus was filled with students showing their families around campus and participating in some of the […]
Midterm Election 2022: What You Need to Know
By Duffey Oakley, staff writer. Election season is upon us again. Although this is a midterm year with less media hype than a presidential election year, there are many important statewide and local candidates and referendum questions on the ballot.
The Battle over Louisville’s Fairness Ordinance
By Duffey Oakley, staff writer. On August 30th, a U.S. district court judge ruled that Louisville’s “Fairness Ordinance”—city legislation passed in 1999 that prevents discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation or gender identity, violated the free speech and religious freedom of a wedding photographer. This clash is part of a national battle between religious freedom and anti-discrimination laws, with LGBTQ+ rights hanging in the balance.