First Full Moon Hike

by Kennedy Ushiroda

On a brisk, 34-degree night, 22 brave men and women took to Palisades Trail to hike the loop under the moon in all its glory. The Outdoors club provided headlamps, beanies, as well as hiker’s fuel (Cuties and Trailmix). Initially, the hike was quite intense with a 10 minute incline. The group was boisterous and was quite fun to hike with friends. Towards the middle of the hike, the trail was slightly bumpy and flat. In addition, the group experienced deer sightings and, if the landscape permitted, a pack of coyotes. The scenic spot had a wonderful view of the full moon. Half of the group split to head back to campus and the other half finished the loop. Overall, the hike was a great experience and getaway from the Centre bubble.

The Outdoors club is Centre College’s very own organization to promote active hobbies. Transportation was provided by volunteers in the club. The club’s administrative assistant, first-year Jo Mitchell-Butler, said,”I loved hosting the full moon hike, it was a beautiful experience and I got to know so many new people!“ The next full moon hike will be next month.

The full moon hike activity came after the Outdoors Club and Centre Health Promotion sponsoring an all-expenses-paid-for skip trip at Perfect North Slopes, IN. “I think the outdoors club gives the Centre student body opportunities to get outside and have fun! I’m excited to implement environmental stewardship and increase the accessibility of our events,” said Jo.

For more information regarding upcoming events like this, please consider joining the Centre Outdoors Club!

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