Life’s A Drag

First-year Linley Mueller strikes a pose at the pride ball.

by Aelwen Iredale and Linley Mueller, Staff Writers

During Homecoming Weekend, a variety of clubs hosted a variety of events, and among that rainbow of possibilities, the Centre Pride Alliance held a Ball. The alliance of students and staff worked hard to create a safe space for people to be themselves and find pride in their identity amidst all the chaos of midterms and other events. Inside the Tennis Center, there were lights strung up and balloons strewn across the ground. A photo booth of rainbows was set up for people to celebrate and pose proudly as who they were. Food, stickers, and flags were made available to students of all different identities. However, amongst all the gifts and activities, the main attraction was the people, such as the Drag Queens Amaya Virgin and Alastor Jolie.

The drag performances were the highlight of the night. Miss Virgin and Miss Jolie provided entertainment by singing and dancing on the dance floor. They sang along to a lot of Lady Gaga and got a great reaction from the audience. Students and teachers both found the performances to be titillating! The crowd clapped and Miss Virgin and Miss Jolie delivered! They invited crowd interaction by approaching tables and encouraging others to dance with them. At the end, they provided a space on the dance floor for students and staff to join them. Everyone had a great time watching and the performances proved to be very impressive. Amaya Virgin won the title of Miss Lexington Pride in 2023! Alastor Jolie won Miss Lexington Pride in 2022! They are both incredibly talented and we are so glad that we got to host their performances on Centre’s campus!

After their musical performances, the entertainment continued into a half comedy show and half bingo game. Students, staff, and alumni alike could win various pride-themed objects, such as hats, sunglasses, or socks, while enjoying some laughs with other LGTBQ+ people and allies. However, in true gay fashion, nothing could be so simple. At the end of the bingo games, two separate sets of students won at the same moment. Although there were multiple prizes left, Miss Virgin and Miss Jolie decided to up the stakes and add another level of competition: a lip sync battle. One member of each pair quickly backed off and abandoned the other to perform. The competitors so “civilly” decided, Miss Virgin and Miss Jolie started up the music, Ariana Grande’s “Breaking Free.”

The students each performed admirably, not having to fear judgment from the friends and supporters in the room. In fact, both had fun interacting with one another and their friends. They danced and spun and laughed and cheered alongside the audience of encouraging individuals. It was a moment of pure joy and pride. One student even danced with a giant pride flag. Although there was a winner of the lip sync battle, it created a sense of community and joy instead of a competition. In a room of rainbows and LGBTQ+ identities, the performance was a true moment of undiluted pride and strength in the community.

In conclusion, the Pride Ball provided a safe space for people of many communities and different identities. Dancing and singing with friends and community was the perfect night for people of varying identities to feel at home. It is very important for people in the LGBTQ+ community to have a safe space on this college campus and this event provided that feeling for many students. The allowance of free expression in a no-judgment zone led to a great night and a stress-free party that LGBTQ+ students were encouraged to engage in.

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