By Elena Rodrigues
While making the trek between classes, many Centre students noticed a new addition to the greenery: art students! These art students can be seen standing between many of the academic buildings such as Crounse, Young, and Olin Hall. These are students from the figure drawing and landscape class, who are working on their final for outside drawing. This finale focuses on drawing landscapes with depth, using light tones as well as the typical dark tones used in their sketches.
“You take time to really consider parts of campus that you wouldn’t consider before.”
Many art students described how this project has not only allowed them to give depth to their art but to view campus with more depth as well: “You take time to really consider parts of campus that you wouldn’t consider before,” says one student. The importance of buildings was also noted, for both artistic reasons such as the use of linear perspective, as well as aspects of inspiration.

Alexis Gribbins, an art major, noted that the side of the JVAC building was a large inspiration for this project as not many people take the time to notice it.

“Working outside has taught me to better plan ahead. You need to be aware of where the sun and shadows are so that you can stay in the shade. You also have to be prepared to deal with setbacks because of rain or changing lighting conditions.”
Many art students noted the progression of their art through the outside drawing process: “Working outside has taught me to better plan ahead. You need to be aware of where the sun and shadows are so that you can stay in the shade. You also have to be prepared to deal with setbacks because of rain or changing lighting conditions.” Artists used conté, a drawing tool made of graphite, charcoal, and clay to replicate the scenic lighting on campus. Conté gives the students the ability to add shadows, highlight, and depth into aspects of their art, which proved to be extremely important when recreating outdoor landscapes. The results were beautiful, perfectly conveying the complex scenery of Centre Campus using strictly black and white tones.

“She had her paints out and a little canvas. I think that’s the crazy thing is that there is art everywhere, even outside of the classes.”
Winnie, a sophomore, described how watching students be creative has allowed her to see campus with a more creative lens as well, “She had her paints out and a little canvas. I think that’s the crazy thing is that there is art everywhere, even outside of the classes.”
With midterms, sickness, and the fall cold front coming around, it may be beneficial for all of us to take some time and notice something beautiful about campus. So take a moment to stare at the giant statue of Abraham Lincoln, the glorious flame, or just your fellow peers, and notice the beauty all around you at Centre College.