Centre’s Horror Film Festival

by Linley Mueller, Staff Writer

On November 9th, the Student Activities Club put on an event for student-submitted Horror Short Films and trailers. There were so many great short films and a couple of trailers that were very entertaining. The whole night was full of great atmosphere and seeing that students had put hard work into making the videos was a great and unique experience. Valkhamp also seemed like a great place to host this event, there was a great atmosphere and something spooky about being in the basement of the library at night. There were some snacks provided because that is the best way to enjoy a movie in a theater. Something that I thought was really great was that there were many longer films and that the people who organized the event allowed for the artists to be recognized!

The short film that won best acting was called, “Oizys.” This short film was about someone being followed by a shadowy figure. The student who created this film was studying abroad, so the change in scenery really made a difference within the atmosphere. The actor for this movie did so well and I almost forgot that the film was homemade. I love it when I get to watch things that other students have created and are proud of!

The film that won the “Best Technical (editing, sound, cinematography)” award was called, “Kylin’s Condition.” This film was about someone named Kylin who has a problem called CSC, or chainsaw cock. It was a personal favorite of mine because it really captured a classic horror movie vibe and had so much humor! The editing was great and the title scene made me feel like I was in a theater watching a horror movie that would easily attract a cult following.

The film that won the award for best effects was called, “Stairs.” This short film is about someone who wakes up from seemingly falling down a flight of stairs. They start to go up the stairs, looking at the lights that are lining the walls next to them. The effects in this movie came when the lights would flicker and a sort of vision would appear on the screen. The visuals were amazing, with lots of smoke, horses, and great music to guide the viewer through what the main character was experiencing. I found this film to be very impressive.

The film that was nominated as “Best Film” by the Grace Doherty Library was called, “Drainage.” This film was about two people in a sewer, about to spray paint a wall when something suspicious makes a noise from further down the drains. This movie was amazing because it had a great atmosphere and build up of its tension. I also really appreciated that the “monster” in this film seemed to be well thought out and actually made me feel scared!

Winning audience favorite was “Kylin’s Condition.” This was not a surprise to me because the audience reactions throughout the movie were very funny and everyone there seemed to be engaged. I think that all of these films were so great and I am so glad that the SAC went through the work of putting on a festival for students to make short films or trailers! Also, everyone seemed to have worked so hard and the audience engagement helped to show that this event was widely appreciated.

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