“We’ve been to every single one. Always good memories, but I have to say, I think today’s been our best.”
By Sarah Nipper
On the weekend of September 22nd to 24th, Centre hosted its annual Family Weekend, and the campus was filled with students showing their families around campus and participating in some of the many activities offered by the college this year. Whether it be taking a tour of the new fitness center, tailgating for the football game, or just walking around downtown, there was no limit to the opportunities families had to explore their students’ home and enjoy a sunny weekend in Danville. It felt like the first days of fall, with the temperature remaining in the 70s and a light breeze.
One standout event was the Family Weekend Music Program Concert, featuring performances from the various musical groups on campus, including the Centre Chorale, orchestra, and Bluegrass groups. Each group brought something different to the table, making the concert an engaging opportunity to explore and hear from Centre’s music programs. The audience was full with families, community members, students, and even President Milton Moreland.

Everyone’s Family Weekend looked a little different. Senior and SGA President Hailey Finch had a full day with her family: “We went to the resource fair, we went to the concert, my sorority was doing something for the weekend, and we went to the hot glass demonstration, and the football game.”
When asked about their experiences with Centre Family Weekends, Hailey’s mother Bethany Finch said, “We’ve been to every single one. Always good memories, but I have to say, I think today’s been our best.”
In addition to time spent with loved ones, Family Weekend also served as a reunion for first year Kate Dekker’s mother, Sarah Dekker: “Because of family weekend, my mom, who’s a Centre alum, was able to see all her old friends from college, and their daughters go here now too,” says Kate.

For those whose families could not make it out, there were alternative activities for an equally fun weekend. First-year Becca Kaelin went hiking in Cumberland Falls with the Outdoors Club: “We went scrambling, which is when you climb big rocks and boulders with your hands and feet, and then we all got into the river kind of impromptu, and it was really fun.”
All in all, Centre’s 2023 Family weekend was a success, with so many other activities that couldn’t all fit into one article, including but not limited to:
- Career panels
- Sibling tours
- Family Weekend Brunch
- Hot Glass Demonstration
- Tailgating
- Family Weekend Carnival
- Centre Players read through of “Grownups”
Whether you took the weekend to relax and unwind or packed it full with the activities offered, there was no right or wrong way to participate in Family Weekend, and come Sunday, students filed into the library, preparing for another full week of classes ahead.