‘200 Strong’ Concert Partners with Area Colleges, Celebrates Centre’s Bicentennial


As the initiation of Centre’s bicentennial celebrations, there will be a concert this Saturday, November 3 at 7:30 in Newlin Hall. Centre College’s Orchestra and Centre Singers will be collaborating with Asbury University’s Orchestra and Choir as well as Berea College’s Choir. This concert will showcase a variety of genres and composers from a traditional South African song to Mozart and Brahms. The top orchestras and choirs from each school have been preparing all semester in preparation for this event.

The 200 Strong title alludes not only to the College’s bicentennial which will be celebrated in 2019, but also to the over 200 musicians that will perform together on one stage.

There is a general sense of enthusiasm among many of the musicians and conductors involved, especially Dr. Johann Van Niekerk, Assistant Professor of Music.

“The Brahms piece is one that requires a group larger than what any individual school possesses but no more that the three of us combined. The nuances and musicianship of this piece will be on full display” said Van Niekerk.

“The collaboration with Conductors Rob Seebacher, Vicki Bell, Nathan Miller, and Steve Bolster has been incredible and the skill and talent from both conductors and students has made the work load feel much lighter. In all seriousness, this is a once in a lifetime experience and everyone sounds really good together.”

This event is a convo.

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