Spotlight On: Vantage Point


What is Vantage Point?

Vantage Point Literary Magazine is a student-run, student-written, and student-illustrated literary magazine that comes out once a semester, sometimes including Centre Term. The Centre Term issues are still run by students, but feature faculty and staff writings and illustrations. Vantage Point accepts writing from students in poetry, fictional short story pieces, or creative non-fiction pieces. Students then illustrate for the written pieces and for the covers. The editing team is also comprised of students.

Abby Quirk-Royal, Editor-in-Chief, shares her personal experience with Vantage Point. “I got involved with Vantage Point as a freshman. I was a general reader and then progressed through staff to art editor to managing editor to editor in chief. When I was a freshman, Vantage Point was coming out of a bit of a “slump” period so it has been amazing to watch and be a part of its revival. I was lucky enough to head up the CentreTerm 2016 Faculty and Staff edition of Vantage Point. This type of edition hadn’t been done since 2003 and the response was fantastic. I am hoping to implement a plan moving forward to have regular CentreTerm edition. The editors, staff members, readers, and supports have helped make Vantage Point relevant again and it has been great to see how people’s ideas are able to be implemented and go towards securing the future and continuous success of the magazine.”

How do I get involved?

If you enjoy writing or drawing, Vantage Point would love to have you on board. Vantage Point also needs a strong team of General Readers, that read all of the pieces submitted to Vantage Point, and then aid the editors in the selection process for what pieces will be accepted into the edition. General Readers also have the opportunity to shadow editors and could become editors in the future as current editors graduate.

If you are interested or would like to know more information about Vantage Point, contact Abby Quirk-Royal, the Editor-in-Chief, at Past editions

The Spring 2017 edition will be coming soon!

The Vantage Point editors and illustrators are working hard to finish up this semester’s edition of Vantage Point. Keep your eyes out for a Cowan banner telling you about the release party. There is always food and free copies of Vantage Point!