SGA Debate 2017

Kirby Fitzpatrick | Candidate for SGA President

“Centre friends, I am so excited to be running for SGA President. I have been on SGA for each semester I have been on campus, including spending two years on Executive Council as Communications Chairman and Secretary of Administration. As Communications Chairman, I worked to ensure that students were able to find any information about SGA efficiently. I created a weekly Cowan banner for SGA to best communicate with the students, as well as improved our social media outreach to better communicate with the campus community. As Secretary of Administration, I am currently planning a community-wide 5K at Millennium Park on April 22 to benefit Camp Horsin’ Around, an outstanding camp for disabled children right outside of Danville.”

Read the rest of Kirby’s political platform HERE

Ben Coates | Candidate for SGA President

“Greetings Colonels, I am honored to have the opportunity to run for Student Government Association President. My drive to run for this position stems from 2 and a half years of communicating with students about their needs and desires on campus. Each point in my platform represents issues that come directly from the students, that I have a passion to change. First, I will focus on public safety. I will make it a priority that all students feel safe anywhere on campus. While DPS and administration work their hardest to keep our campus safe, I want to promote a culture of students looking out for student safety. This goal strives to encourage students to be more than just a bystander, but an active community member, looking out for our fellow peers.”

Read the rest of Ben’s political platform HERE

Alex Grove | Candidate for Speaker of the House

“Hi everyone! My name is Alex Grove, and I’m running to be your Speaker of the House for the Student Government Association during the 2017-2018 school year. I have a unique and ambitious vision for our already wonderful community in the upcoming year. On campus, I’m involved in several clubs and have faithfully served on SGA this year. Because of this, I am able to understand the different issues that face the diverse campus community we have. I will fight for the entire student body and not just a narrow segment. While serving on SGA, I have not missed a vote or been absent for a general session the entire year. My continued presence has allowed me to best understand the issues that matter most to students on this campus, and accordingly, my platform is based on your voice.”

Read the rest of Alex’s political platform HERE

Walker Morrell | Candidate for Speaker of the House

“After spending two years on SGA and one year as a member of Exec, I’ve learned that the best perspective to bring to student government is one that leads by selflessness and uses the tangible resources SGA provides to support the overall more significant goal of making the campus community a place that all students can thrive. My platform includes large projects around campus to improve the student experience, but unlike a common trend in SGA campaigns, my candidacy is not legitimized by these projects. It’s legitimized by my dedication to elevating the work of others around me, and my strength lies in my relationships with diverse groups of people on campus. My actions with SGA as Secretary of Administration and Dining Services Chair have shown how I approach SGA as a tool to bring campus together.”

Read the rest of Walker’s political platform HERE

Noah Martin | Candidate for President of Student Senate

“Of my three years as a Centre colonel, I have spent the last two in service to our campus through the Student Government Association. From 2015–2016, I represented my fellow sophomores in the House, contributing to the efforts of the Student Affairs committee; during the current school year, I’ve acted as one of Division I’s delegates in the Student Senate. Equipped with the experiences, insights, and knowledge that I’ve accumulated the past two years, I am prepared and eager to be your chief academic advocate as President of the Student Senate for 2017–2018. Under Mason Paas’s leadership this year, the Student Senate has pioneered several initiatives that I would like to continue in Mason’s absence, while adding a number of new items to the Senate’s agenda.”

Read the rest of Noah’s political platform HERE


Amaryst Parks | Candidate for SAC President

“As president of Student Activities Council, I would like to get more student input for programming and initiatives that SAC provides to the student body. Students are why SAC exists. I want to hear what the students want. I am running on a platform of diversity and inclusion. I want programming that brings the campus together, programming that students of all backgrounds will enjoy. I will be diligent in trying to create an alternative weekend culture for students on campus with programming.”