Ben Coates Platform

Greetings Colonels, I am honored to have the opportunity to run for Student Government Association President. My drive to run for this position stems from 2 and a half years of communicating with students about their needs and desires on campus. Each point in my platform represents issues that come directly from the students, that I have a passion to change.

First, I will focus on public safety. I will make it a priority that all students feel safe anywhere on campus. While DPS and administration work their hardest to keep our campus safe, I want to promote a culture of students looking out for student safety. This goal strives to encourage students to be more than just a bystander, but an active community member, looking out for our fellow peers.

Second, I want to enhance the student experience through social programming. The purpose of SGA, “is to enhance the quality of life for all students”, and I want SGA to help provide weekend activities for all students on campus. SGA will work in collaboration with SAC to host weekend social events. 98% of students live on campus and it is necessary of SGA to help provide fun and safe social spaces that will bring all students together.

Third, I will strive for Centre to be more accommodating to people of all backgrounds and beliefs. We will do this in SGA by creating a statement for diversity and inclusion, to be added to the civility pledge that is already in place on campus. I want this to be a message that applies to our wonderful diverse and unique population on campus, and also make sure students revisit and recommit every year, not just the first year. Community, inclusion, and civility are themes that Centre values, and having a yearly reminder will encourage students to apply these themes to their engagement on campus.

While my experience on SGA has been valuable, I believe my service to students in other ways is my greatest strength. My sophomore year I was IFC risk manager and implemented social policy for the college to improve safety at fraternity social events. Last spring I founded DANCE GOLD, which is an event hosting a 6 hour dance marathon on March 31st to raise awareness for the Wilderness Trace Child Development Center. I have served this year as an Exec officer for the Centre Investment Society, which runs $100,000 of the colleges endowment. I represented the student body on the Alumni Board of Directors. I have served a full year as President of SAE and was appointed to the fraternity state of KY board to plan the state service project, which will be hosted here in Danville. These experiences have made me a determined, well-rounded, and competent leader in a variety of situations, which is an essential combination of traits for the position of SGA President. These are valuable experiences that will allow me to not only achieve the goals of my platform, but also achieve the goals of all students.

I want students to know what resources they have at their disposal through SGA. I know many students that have great ideas on how to improve campus, however the road to implementing these changes is challenging. The mission of student government is to be a liaison between individual students and administration to quickly and effectively implement positive student driven change at Centre. Thank you and go Colonels!! (: