Stress Relief


It’s that time of year again! Fall break is quickly approaching, which means that midterms are just around the corner! As usual, the atmosphere at Centre will soon become filled with the stress of students finishing projects, writing papers, and studying for exams.

Students practice a variety of methods to reduce their stress levels during midterms. Junior Josh Boldt turns to music when his work gets overwhelming. “When I hit a roadblock during my studying, I put my notebooks away and turn on some music to unwind for a bit,” he said. He enjoys letting the music take his mind off of his work for a bit, allowing him to return to studying with a clear mind. Alternating work with relaxation helps Boldt stay productive and on task. “i’m able to approach my work

Boldt also makes sure he stays social during exam weeks. Although devoting a majority of his time to studying and working on assignments, he finds it helpful to set aside a few hours a week to spending time with friends. “I find that socializing is a great way to reduce stress. Thinking about something other than my exam helps me not become overwhelmed by the amount of work I have left,” he said. Stimulating your mind through social activity gives your brain a break from “study mode” and lets you think about something more exciting than schoolwork for a short while. Again, this makes your return to studying easier. “I’m able to approach my work feeling refreshed and having increased productivity,” Boldt said.

Stress is not only a nuisance, but has the potential to be unhealthy, too. Here are a few tips from medical professionals at the Mayo Clinic and Cleveland Clinic on managing stress to help you maintain your emotional wellbeing until classes end next Wednesday.

  1. Practice deep breathing techniques, consciously breathing into a spot just below your navel and filling your abdomen. Slowly inhale until the air fills you from bottom up, then let it out as if deflating a balloon. Another option is rhythmic breathing, counting to five as you inhale and again as you exhale.
  1. Making time to exercise is extremely beneficial to stress relief. Exercise releases endorphins, which naturally help you feel better and more positive. Even just going for a quick walk outside can help! When you’re done, you’ll feel calmer and be ready to hit the books again with a clear mind.
  1. It is important to set aside time for activities geared towards relaxing the mind and body. Meditation is especially conducive to relieving stress. If you’re looking for a study break, you could attend one of MeditationCentre’s sessions and take an hour or so to clear your head and unwind.

4. Your sleeping pattern greatly contributes to your stress levels. Although perhaps tempting to pull an all-nighter before your              exam, don’t do it! Getting a good night’s rest is one of the best things to ensure physical preparedness for an exam or a full              day of studying. If eight hours of sleep seems like a distant fantasy, take steps to create a better sleeping environment so you            are well rested in the mornings.

5. It pays to plan ahead. Breaking down assignments one task or day at a time helps everything seem more manageable. Don’t            make your work more daunting or intimidating than it has to be. Making lists, having a planner, and keeping track of                        assignments can all help you stay organized and on top of your work.