New Year, New Faces: Vanessa Bentley


This year, The Cento continues their series featuring new faculty on campus and introducing them to the Centre community. This edition, The Cento would like to welcome Professor Vanessa Bentley to Centre as a Visiting Assistant Professor of Philosophy this year.

A graduate of Hiram College and the University of Cincinnati, Professor Bentley was drawn to the open position here at Centre because it specified a need for someone who deals with the philosophy of science, which is her particular area of interest. This is her first full time teaching position, but coming from a small liberal arts college herself, she feels comfortable being a part of the Centre community. In her short time here, Professor Bentley has already noticed the distinct feeling of community that make both Centre and Danville so unique.

“Centre is like coming home. The faculty, staff, and students have been really welcoming and that has been so nice”, Bentley said.

Professor Bentley is especially excited about the opportunities for interdisciplinary work that Centre offers.

“[I am] hoping to make some connections across divisions through research and teaching.” Bentley, who has a background in women’s studies and the philosophy of neuroscience, shared.

Her dissertation focused on using brain scanning to research sex and gender differences. It was a way for Professor Bentley to bring together all of her interests, an opportunity she enjoys about academia and plans to continue to do here at Centre.

“The goal of [my work] was to develop alternate ways of thinking about sex and gender research [using] feminist philosophy of science,” she said.

When asked about her interests outside the classroom, Professor Bentley laughed and said, “I just had a baby, so things have changed a bunch. I don’t play nearly as much Candy Crush as I used to.”

Although her hands are full, she greatly enjoys watching her daughter grow up and can’t wait to see her grow and change as the years go by.

Already feeling welcomed into the Centre fold, The Cento would like wish Professor Bentley the very best for her first year at Centre, and hope she continues to be excited about her work every day.