Premier scholarship weekend invades campus


If you noticed numerous new faces on campus from March 31 to April 4, here is why: Centre College hosted Premier Scholarship Weekend. This included three groups of finalists competing for coveted spots in the Brown Fellows, Grissom Scholars, and the new Lincoln Scholars programs. Each group of candidates had roughly thirty finalists.

“Virtually every office on campus was involved in some capacity and we remain grateful for continuous support and assistance,” Director of Admission Operations Pam Baughman said. “Hosting approximately ninety students and their families was a group effort, involving many faculty, staff, and students. Our friends in Student Life were kind to allow us to monopolize the Campus Center for days.”

“Pam Baughman is the organizational genius behind all three events, and she recruits what feels like a cast of hundreds to help including, but not limited to, student hosts, faculty and staff who met individually with candidates and welcomed them to their classes, and selection committees who did a lot of work to make decisions,” Bob Nesmith, Dean of Admission and Financial Aid said.

Baughman wished to thank everyone who was instrumental in the success of the weekend.

“I would like to offer special thanks to Elizabeth Graves, Sarah Scott Hall, Brian Cusato, and Stephanie Fabritius for their help in coordinating activities for all three scholarship programs. All of these individuals were instrumental in securing additional volunteers and contributors, frankly, too many to name,” she said. “Robert Schalkoff, our new director for the Lincoln Scholars Program, also flew in from Japan for Premier Scholarship weekend…Lidia Galindo, Emmely Ovalle and Kendra Montejos were gracious interpreters for families for whom English is not their first language.”

The pool of candidates was exceptional in academics, extracurricular activities, and personal qualities. The finalists for all three-scholarship programs represented twenty-five states. Additional candidates for the Lincoln Scholars Program also represented Myanmar, the Republic of Georgia, and England.

The feedback from both the participants and their families has been positive.

“Several remarked on their enjoyment of the activities and time spent with other candidates. In addition to mandatory activities and interviews, we provided opportunities for candidates to learn about our academic and social offerings,” Baughman said.

“In general they arrived quite nervous and left having had a great time. We try to do some surprising and engaging activities as part of their interview experience, and that helps. It also helps that Centre is really good at welcoming people and making them feel special,” Nesmith said, “Current students are our best emissaries and the main reason that prospective students leave these events excited about coming to Centre.”