Getting to Know…The SLO: Part II


Students often recognize how important faculty members, who they interact with during classes, are to their day-to-day lives at Centre. But what about the other staff members who keep the College up and running, and make all aspects of the challenging yet rewarding Centre Experience one worth pursuing?

Throughout the 2015-2016 academic year, The Cento will feature each campus office and ask their staff the tough questions—including what their favorite Cowan food is as well as their favorite spot on campus.

This week’s office is well known to students of all classes: the Student Life Office (SLO). The SLO coordinates various activities and services to better campus life, from Greek Life to community service plunges to monthly CC After Dark events.

When asked about the best resource his office offers students, Dean Hays had this to say:

“Since we touch on so many aspects of students’ lives on campus,” he explained, “I’d say our open-door-ask-us-anything policy is pretty cool.”

Read below to find out about more about the SLO’s staff.

Dr. Matthew Klooster, Director of Community Service and the Bonner Program and Assistant Professor of Biology

Alma Mater(s): Xavier University, University of Cincinnati
How You Came to Work at Centre: I was offered a tenure track professorship in the Biology Program at Centre, within which I maintain membership and continue to teach classes. After three years of serving as a full-time professor, I transitioned to the role of Director of Community Service and the Bonner Program owing to my passions for community outreach and holistic student development through experiential learning.
Favorite TV Show: I don’t watch a lot of TV these days but I always enjoy a good episode of either Chopped on Food Network or Face Off on SyFy.
Favorite Thing to Do When Not at Centre: I love to hang out with my wife Jen and my 2.5-year-old daughter Evy. Hiking, running, painting, and playing music are my favorite hobbies.
Favorite Cowan Food: The Turkey, mashed potatoes, and gravy days are the Great comfort food. Favorite Place on Campus: The patio area in front of the Campus Center.  It offers a beautiful view of Old Centre and presents many opportunities to socialize with the students, faculty, and staff as they walk from one place to another across campus.
Favorite Thing About Your Office: I dearly love my colleagues who are truly committed to enriching the student experience on campus and the numerous opportunities daily for dynamic and meaningful interactions with students. The SLO is a busy place, which is engaging and keeps me on my toes.  I like to stay busy during the day and there is no shortage of opportunity for that experience within the SLO.  

Ricky Shear, Community Service Coordinator

Alma Mater(s): Centre College
How You Came to Work at Centre: I was working in Louisville when I found out that the Community Service Coordinator job would be open for the 2015-16 academic year. Based on my knowledge of the position I thought it would be a great opportunity to do fulfilling and interesting work, and that it could provide useful professional experience. So far, all of that has shown to be true!
Favorite TV Show: The Office with Game of Thrones as a close second.
Favorite Thing to Do When Not at Centre: Read! I read a lot of fiction and the occasional history book.
Favorite Cowan Food: Kansas City BBQ Beef.
Favorite Place on Campus: It’s a tie between the library and the swing.
Favorite Thing About Your Office: My favorite thing about the SLO is that the ultimate goal of all of our work is to improve the student experience at Centre. It’s gratifying to be able to work with and for Centre students to make sure that they are able to get the most out of their time at Centre, and I’m thankful to be able to work with people who are dedicated to accomplishing that goal.

Chelsea Shields, Coordinator for Student Organization and Campus Events

Alma Mater: Centre College
How You Came to Work at Centre: I had thought about applying a fellowship position for the SLO throughout my senior year but after working closely with some of the staff while serving on the Panhellenic Council executive team my decision to apply was finalized. I really enjoyed working with the individuals who worked in the SLO and thought it would be a great opportunity to grow professionally.
Favorite TV Show: Friends
Favorite Thing to Do When Not at Centre: Play with my kitten, Chloe.
Favorite Cowan Food: Oatmeal Raisin Cookies
Favorite Place on Campus: The archway leading to the football field.
Favorite Thing About Your Office: In general, my co-workers. They make me laugh. Specific to my office, my Winnie-the-pooh clock.

Alycia Tidrick, Director of Greek Life and New Student Orientation

Alma Mater(s): DePauw University, The Ohio State University
How You Came to Work at Centre: I’ve always enjoyed working with orientation programs and Greek organizations.  When this position became available, I realized that it was a once in a lifetime opportunity to combine two of the things I enjoy most.
Favorite TV Show: House of Cards
Favorite Thing to Do When Not at Centre: I love spending time at the lake, and just generally being outdoors.
Favorite Cowan Food: Soft serve ice cream and cereal.
Favorite Place on Campus: I really love the Campus Center Lawn with the view of Old Centre and the swing.
Favorite Thing About Your Office: I love working with Centre students. They’re the best part about this place!

Click here for part one, featuring: Anita Bertram, Jenny Conner, Kendrick Durham, Kiana Fields, and Dean Randy Hays.