Students return outside in lieu of warmer weather


Now that the snow has melted and it is no longer crucial to put on seven layers of clothing just to get to class, students are rediscovering old hobbies that went into hibernation during the cold winter. They are replacing their sleds with hammocks and their Bean boots with Chacos. Spring is well on its way and the students of Centre are finally coming out to play.

Dreary weather can often suck out a vast amount of our energy and self-motivation, leaving Sutcliffe a bit less crowded over the colder months. Now that the sun is out students spend more time at the gym and explore different forms of outdoor exercise.

Pictured: Sophomores Meredith Harbison and Kelsie Essel Photo taken by Katherine Mackin Meredith Harbison and  Kelsie Essel take advantage of the warm spring weather to do homework on the lawn.
Pictured: Sophomores Meredith Harbison and Kelsie Essel
Photo taken by Katherine Mackin
Meredith Harbison and Kelsie Essel take advantage of the warm spring weather to do homework on the lawn.

Running is one of the most standard forms of exercise, but the slippery ice covering the campus grounds made it too dangerous and unpleasant of a task. “I’ve really missed being able to go jogging around the campus. Having to use the boring old treadmill inside just doesn’t compare to the experience I get from being outdoors,” first-year Sidney Spivey said.

With the snow gone, students can now resume their morning jogs without having to fear (as much) the possibility of injuring themselves.

If running isn’t your thing but you are still looking for an outdoor activity to get your heart pumping, the Central Kentucky Wildlife Refuge on Carpenter Creek is definitely a hotspot worth visiting.

“Whenever I need a quiet getaway from campus or am just in the mood for an easy hike, I always go to the Wildlife Refuge,” sophomore Jessie Massey said. “It is so beautiful during any season and is the perfect place to go if you need to think or clear your mind.”

The refuge, often referred to as the Nature Reserve, is only about 10 minutes outside of campus and should be explored by more students, especially by those who enjoy the feel of being completely immersed in nature.

Intramural sports are also a very popular hobby among Centre students this spring. The past three weeks of men’s and women’s games bonded Centre students together in exciting games, particularly among fraternities, sororities, and sports teams.

“IM Basketball has been a really awesome way for me to get closer to a lot of my new fraternity brothers,” senior Trent Haffler said. “We only play Mondays and Wednesdays so it is nice to still be able to participate in a sport without having to sacrifice a ton of time.”

Spring weather isn’t just beneficial for those looking to be more active. It is also great for the ones who just want to enjoy the sun’s rays and fresh air while relaxing. Many students are excited to bring out their ENO (Eagles Nest Outfitters) hammocks that have been stowed away since summer.

“Being able to ENO again is most definitely the thing that I am most looking forward to, now that the weather is warming up a bit,” first-year Molly Holder said. “While ENO-ing, I like to read a good book or listen to music. Otherwise, and probably most often, you will find me on the hammock taking a much needed mid-day nap.”

This is the fourth year that Centre has been named Tree Campus USA, but the interaction and recognition that students give to the trees on campus has room for improvement. Other than the swing in the middle of the campus lawn, ENO-ing is a great activity that can instigate more awareness and appreciation for these significant trees.

Being able to enjoy the outdoors doesn’t just stop at leisure activities. Replacing the indoor setting of many of the unpleasant tasks that students have to perform on the daily can instantly add some excitement to the mundane.

“I get so cooped up inside when I am doing homework and studying long hours so now that the snow is almost gone, I am going to start laying out my blanket in the Cheek-Evans front lawn again and studying there,” first-year Connor Klinedinst said.

Studying outside is a great alternative since students can get the crucial dose of vitamin D that they desperately lacked these past couple months. An hour or two extra spent outside rather than in can quickly cure the lingering remains of seasonal depression.

Instead of spending money on sessions at the nearby tanning salons, students look forward to tanning the old-school way.

“I have lost quite a bit of color during the past couple months and cannot wait to start tanning outside again,” sophomore Devon Simms said. “I remember last year as it warmed up, it got pretty common to see groups of students laying out in the sun to darken up a bit.”

Natural tanning is a cost effective and safer way to achieve the desired glow that often disappears during the winter months.

Even though the temperature only reached the low 60s, the thought of spring excites the anxiously awaiting students. Be sure to remember to wear sunscreen and get ready to take advantage of the beautiful weather by taking up a few of these enjoyable spring activities.​​