Harrodsburg restaurant serves up sweet treats


With no end to the papers, presentations, and looming finals in sight, students may be seeking any kind of diversion from their ever-constricting workload.

Those seeking something new and tantalizing for their taste buds and exploratory desires are in luck, as there’s a unique restaurant not so far away from campus.

In Harrodsburg, less than fifteen minutes away by car, lies the Kentucky Fudge Company.

The Kentucky Fudge Factory is a restaurant and sweet shop that is known for its homemade fudge, such as the coconut fudge recipe.
The Kentucky Fudge Factory is a restaurant and sweet shop that is known for its homemade fudge, such as the coconut fudge recipe.

As the name suggests, the restaurant is known for delicious and unique fudge recipes. “I’ve never had fudge with coconut in it before, and it tasted better than any fudge I’ve ever had,” sophomore Mady Thielemann said.

The restaurant is not just a dessert hub however. It also has a large and diverse menu of meals and entrées.

Our name is deceiving because I’d say about 93 percent of our revenue comes from menu items besides fudge. But we’re number one on Urban Spoon and Trip Advisor so I’m not changing it now,” owner of the Kentucky Fudge Company Tim Kazimer said.

The restaurant’s menu has a number of classic lunch and dinner options, but each carries its own twist.

We set out to design our menu almost as an antithesis of all the other ‘mom and pops.’ We didn’t invent the grilled cheese sandwich, but we perfected it,” Kazimer said. “Another signature menu item of ours is the Harrodsburger, which actually isn’t a burger at all, but rather meatloaf in a bun.”

The Kentucky Fudge Company has a number of staple items that Centre students enjoy.

We have Starbucks coffee, ice cream, soda, and all that,” he said. “For some older students, we also have an alcohol license.”

The restaurant also tries to cater to its clients by preparing its food carefully, paying special attention to their customers’ health.

We bake stuff—no frying. Frying is bad for us and the building, so we bake and use Panini presses,” Kazimer said.

The menu items are not all of what the Kentucky Fudge Company experience has to offer. As soon as one approaches the door, they can tell the restaurant has a unique atmosphere.

It seemed really quaint and cute,” Thielemann said.

The restaurant has an excellent location in town within a large, attractive, historical building.

Harrodsburg is a touristy place, just minutes away from Shaker Village, so I founded this place on the idea that people could stop by for a bite to eat while they’re here,” Kazimer said.

Customers immediately feel a welcoming and pleasant vibe from the homey setting of the Kentucky Fudge Company.

The place is really nice-looking. Really good food, the staff was absolutely wonderful, and it had a really nice welcoming atmosphere, especially for new customers,” Atchison said. “The location and service was excellent.” The comforting atmosphere of the restaurant can be attributed to the care the owners can offer to their establishment, since the restaurant is also their home.

It’s just my wife and I. We’ve been here about nine years. The expansion opened four or five years ago, which over doubled our capacity to over 100 seats and gives us outside seating,” Kazimer said. “We didn’t want a bar but wanted to give our customers the opportunity to enjoy a pub-like atmosphere. We live right upstairs, which we enjoy. It’s a neat way to function and live.”

In addition to making itself feel like a haven, the Kentucky Fudge Company also makes music an integral part of its atmosphere.

I love music—all genres. We do an open mic night every-other Saturday which I’d love to open to Centre students. On the off-Saturday we do a more low key, acoustic, folk and bluegrass night. We also try to keep the old concept of an open acoustic jam session with guitar pickers sitting in a circle, passing around a mic on Saturday mornings,” Kazimer said.

From tasty treats and meals to music opportunities that many students might find interesting, the Kentucky Fudge Company has a lot to offer any and every Centre student who is looking for a new sort of meal or a sugary chocolate treat.

Centre College is a market we’d love to get more involved with,” Kazimer said.