Senior Week Committee prepares for “The Final Run”


Senior Week: the promise of relaxation and fun, the reliving of old memories and the creation of new ones. For many students, it’s the only thing keeping them going as the semester draws to a close.

“It’s a good time for our seniors to reflect on the memories they’ve made for the last four years,” sophomore Kirsten Larson, a member of the Senior Week planning committee, said. “And it’s a good time to be on campus and not stress about academics, clubs, and other things. They can all take a breather and remember the good times.”

The events are proposed and planned by the Senior Week planning committee, which is headed by Student Life Coordinator Elizabeth Frank ’13 and Director of Campus Activities Kendrick Durham. Student members of the committee include first-year Weiling Kang; sophomores Kelli South, Abbi Jacobi, Jessica Peak, Sangyi Hu, Erin Mays, and Kirsten Larson; and juniors Claire Phillips, Ellie Graham, and Alyssa Watson.

South divulged that the theme this year is “The Final Run,” referring to the time-honored Centre tradition of “Running the Flame.”

“On Wednesday night, we are playing a movie (to be decided) on the big screen outside,” South said. “We will have popcorn and other snacks for people to come and go as they please. Thursday, during the day, will be a ‘Spring Break in a Day’ theme. We will be providing snow cones by the sand volleyball courts with music and a large inflatable water slide/slip n’ slide combo.”

Spring Break in a Day is the event that junior Claire Phillips is most excited about.

“For those seniors who missed out on the classic college Spring Break experience, we’re bringing it straight to your backyard,” Phillips said. “There will be beach volleyball, an awesome giveaway, and the coolest water inflatable I have ever seen.”

Thursday night’s activities, according to South, will include a viewing of a slideshow featuring pictures and videos of the senior class. Larson is in charge of the slideshow, and said seniors should get especially pumped because this year it includes blurbs from professors.

Also on Thursday, the winners of the Senior Superlatives Survey will be announced. South urged students to nominate a senior for superlatives during lunch outside Cowan this week.

“I want to … get a lot of participation [for this],” she said.

“Friday’s event will include tie-dyeing with all the materials provided, and we will be bringing back the make-your-own croakies printer from last year,” South said. “The last event is Friday night, [and] we will be making s’mores at the Brockman fire pit.”

Larson urged everyone to attend these awesome events.

“Even though people spend time with their friends, definitely stop by and check them out,” she said. “You don’t have to stay the whole time. But we do have good dinners!”

The planning committee has planned out the menus for Cowan each day alongside Sodexo.

“We’re being very intentional about making sure the Cowan favorites make an appearance that final week,” Phillips said.

Further incentive to attend the events are the giveaways.

“Each event we host will have a different free giveaway for those who attend, so be sure to stop by,” South said. “As always, there will be free t-shirts for the seniors and their guests and they look fantastic.”

Phillips echoed this sentiment about the week’s special shirts.

“The t-shirt design is really cool this year,” Phillips said. “We have some talented artists in our group … but I am not one of them. [The shirts] closely follow the theme.”

With such fun events planned, Senior Week 2014 is sure to be an excellent send-off to some of Centre’s finest.