Kentucky Governor Steve Beshear named as the official Commencement Speaker

By Sarah Cornett – Editor-in-Chief

This year, Centre’s Commencement speaker will be Kentucky’s own Governor Steve Beshear.

Governor Beshear was first elected to the office in 2007 and is now serving in his second term after being re-elected in 2011.

For both of his terms Governor Beshear’s platform has had a focus around a stronger Kentucky and a stronger commitment to education.

With these two factors, it seemed that Governor Beshear was a natural choice for Commencement speaker.

President John Roush emphasized that it was Governor Beshear’s dedication to leadership and education that moved him to the list of candidates.

“Each year the College works off a short list of men and women who will bring real distinction as the speaker at our Commencement Exercises. Governor Beshear, as the senior elected official in the Commonwealth of Kentucky and now in his second term, has been a great friend to higher education and Centre College in particular,”

The Commencement speaker will be Kentucky Governor Steve Beshear (Democrat). Beshear will speak to the Centre Class of 2014 in Newlin Hall on Sunday, May 25.

President Roush said. “He has emerged as a national leader among governors; a man who has guided Kentucky with great wisdom and care during this most difficult time.”

The governor is no stranger to Centre College. As Dr. Richard Trollinger, Vice President for College Relations, noted, Governor Beshear was a key asset during the Vice Presidential Debate in 2012.

“I am very pleased that Governor Beshear has accepted the invitation to be Centre’s 2014 Commencement Speaker,” Dr. Trollinger said. “Anytime the College has the sitting governor, whoever that person may be, on its campus, we should all feel honored.

“In this case, we are particularly pleased because Governor Beshear has been such a good friend to Centre. The support he and his administration gave our efforts to attract and to host the Vice Presidential Debate here in 2012 were essential to the success of the event.”

So far the news of the Commencement speaker has fostered positive support among the faculty and staff.

“I think Governor Beshear is an excellent choice for commencement speaker and his acceptance of the invitation further reinforces Centre’s vital place as a top tier institution of higher education in and for the Commonwealth of Kentucky,” Director of Campus Activities Kendrick Durham said. “Students should be proud that Kentucky’s top official will deliver the capstone address for 2014.”

For President Roush above all else the speech delivered by Governor Beshear for Commencement will be one to remember for the class of 2014.

“Governor Beshear knows Centre College and has great respect for our students. I am confident he will have a message that informs, challenges, inspires us,” President Roush said. “With all the success he has enjoyed, he has not lost the common touch nor forgotten the joy of seeing students finish their college degrees. It will be a great day – guaranteed. “

Commencement for the Centre Class of 2014 will take place on Sunday, May 25 in Newlin Hall.