Kaitlin Parrish Platform

Kaitlin Parrish is running for the position of President of the Student Senate

 Hey, Centre! My name is Kaitlin Parrish and I’m running for President of the Senate. I have been a member of the Senate and SGA for the past year, and I’m also involved in Investment Society, Centre Ambassadors, and Alpha Delta Pi, where I previously held an executive officer position. Talking to many of our peers has called to my attention the need for SGA to be more transparent to the student body, and the Senate is no exception. Anyone and everyone would be welcome to come to me or the members of the Senate with any questions or suggestions that they may have.

My main goal is to create more initiatives to get Centre students involved with academics on campus. The majors and minors fair needs to be a recurring event each fall. This event is an instrumental tool in steering undecided students in the right path for class and major selections. Also, I want to continue Dine With a Mind, where dinners with professors are auctioned off to the student body. Dine with a Mind allows for academic engagement outside of the classrooms by getting to know professors better and over good food. I want the majors and minors fair and Dine with a Mind to be fun events that faculty and students alike look forward to attending.

What do I want to do in the future? I want to make the Academic Policy Q&A event into convocation and/or an emphasized event during orientation week. There is so much confusion around the academic policy at Centre, so in order to have as many people attend and learn as possible, this event needs to be made into convocation. Also, convocations need to count towards our GPA. If we can be penalized for not getting twelve credits, we should be rewarded for doing so. Finally, this year the Senate worked on creating a scholarship that will be made available for first-year students. The applicants will have to demonstrate financial need and academic excellence to apply for the scholarship.

As a whole, I want the Senate to be more present on campus and every student to be able to know what the Senate does for them. The Senate is meant to improve academics on campus and support the student body as a whole. As President of the Senate, that is what I plan to do. Please feel to contact me at kaitlin.parrish@centre.edu if you have any questions or suggestions. Thank you for taking the time to read this!