Ross Larson Platform

Ross Larson is running for the position of Speaker of the House


This year, I wanted to run a different sort of campaign, specifically by coordinating with a candidate for President, Gray Whitsett. Together we’ve been able to craft complementary platforms and a consistent message that targets issues about which we both feel passionate.

I enjoy working to better this campus. I was elected to SGA in my second year, and went on to serve on the dining services committee and the finance committee. The opportunity to serve on both of these committees gave me unique access to SGA leadership and a greater insight into how the Student Government functions. I gained valuable experience and learned what does and does not work. During my tenure in SGA I discovered that I have a raw passion to instill greater efficiencies, promote financial transparency, and work with administrative offices–all towards the betterment of this campus.

Ultimately, I was dissatisfied with the way things were run. There was a collective disorganization that hampered anything we did as a group. Communication is little to nonexistent and I believe that still exists today.


Centre College’s Student Government Association is only as successful as the number of students that support its advocacy work and engage with its initiatives. Unfortunately, the majority of students continue to be confused about why SGA exists and what it actually does. We want to change that. It’s a student government, and students should be able to easily understand what SGA is working on. By going back to the core reason SGA exists – to serve you – SGA can have a meaningful role advocating for the issues that are important to all of us, uniting this campus through collaboration and dialogue, and improving the simple things in life.

Bring The Voices Into the Room

Context: Who are your representatives? If you don’t know the answer to that, are you being represented in your Student Government? Even if you do know who they are, are you being represented in SGA? A big problem on this campus is that many students do not know who their representative is in Student Government. This causes a lack of accountability and a loss of collaboration. Furthermore, students, organizations, and school administrators/administrative offices are unable to be heard in the halls of SGA. There is a fundamental lack of advocacy for many of the issues that affect us today.

As Speaker:

–I want to institute a monthly letter that would require representatives to keep in touch with their constituents. By doing this, this forces representatives to be sure they are actually representing their constituents, not their personal interests. This also keeps their constituents informed on what’s being done on their behalf.

–Gray and I have already met with several organizations on campus and we will continue to meet with organizations for the rest of the year. Together we’ll sit down with people to hear their ideas and see what SGA can do for them. Next year, my goal is to get three representatives from different organizations to come to each general session. I want to see students that represent sports teams, performing arts, political parties, and publications to come in and participate in the conversation.

–The time and place of Student Government meetings need to be more accessible. General session must be earlier in the evening and the location moved to Ewen. This gives more students the opportunity to attend and collaborate with SGA.

Financial Transparency

Context: We all just received a letter last week telling us that our tuition is going up 2.97% or $1,380. Part of that our tuition is given to SGA every year to allocate to student organizations. Do you know where that money is going? Do you know how much money Student Activities Council get every year in general funding? There is a lack of financial transparency to the student body as where their money is going.

As Speaker:

–I will push to have the SGA allocation posted online for the entire student body to see. This will help keep SGA accountable to you and the student organizations it serves. I want to make sure each and every dollar goes to improving our campus and your experience here.


Context: From the moment you wake up to late at night in the library, technology affects us in every way. Technology is already integrated into our everyday lives and I want to make sure students know what the college already offers and how it can give you even more.

–I sat down with Keith Fowlkes, Chief Information Officer, to come up with two great ideas to kick off the year. First, I want to start a Technology Development Group (TDG) to work with Keith on how to improve technology on our campus and make our already hectic lives as student easier to manage. This group will focus on issues such as wi-fi speed, information dissemination (NEXT Newsletter), and overall education of what ITS already offers. Second, I want to institute a new Symposium at the beginning of the year that focuses on technology after graduation. Communication between members of SGA, ITS, and Center for Career & Professional Development (CCPD) are crucial for the development of this campus.”