Henry Nguyen Platform

Henry Nguyen is running for the position of Speaker of the House
“My name is Henry Nguyen, and I’m a candidate for SGA Speaker of the House. I know that there is always room for improvement when it comes to any student organization here at Centre College, and the student government is no exception. My platform focuses on 3 main areas – creating an inclusive environment for student government, steering SGA towards meaningful results, and my passion for student governance.


As the Speaker, my main objective would be to foster a welcoming environment for SGA as a whole. Being a fun-loving and humorous character, I have been able to maintain amicable relationships with every SGA member so far. I will be able and willing to work with any member in student government; it’s important to embrace every member of this diverse organization. In doing so, I believe I will be able to create a relaxing yet efficient work atmosphere for all of SGA. General Sessions would be an accessible opportunity for both our members and all other Centre students to voice their concerns about our shared college experience.


Another focus would be on setting achievable goals and priorities for SGA. In my opinion, it is very important for us to concentrate on doing a good job serving the student body’s interests as they arise by listening to feedback regularly and acting on those concerns. Over the past year, I have heard a number of comments from fellow students which have yet to be addressed in a substantive and permanent way, including concerns about dining on campus, academic issues, and communication between the administration and the student body. On this matter, I can assure you that I have heard you, and I will always be available to listen to you. I hope to be able to work with the new SGA leadership and convey these ideas, and any others that may come up, finding solutions to answer to your problems. Your opinions are always valued, and with me they will never go unheard.


Finally, I want to emphasize my passion for student governance. It’s the reason why I hope to earn your vote. In just this past year, I have gotten involved in a number of campus activities, from Greek Life to athletics to SGA. However, my commitment and passion for SGA has always been my top priority, evidenced by my perfect attendance record for both committee meetings and General Sessions. My devotion to this organization has earned commendations from the current SGA leadership, my peers, and especially my committee chair. During General Sessions, I have been a vocal proponent of the logical approach, establishing a firm and impactful representation for not only my class, but for the international student community and the entire student body as well. Furthermore, I feel very passionate about student government as an institution. Having lived as a minority for the past 5 years, I understand the importance of having everyone’s voice heard. I feel fortunate that Centre allows us the opportunity to play an important role in the running of the college. I wish to make full use of this chance to try to make a positive difference in students’ lives every day.


It would be my honor to serve the student body as SGA Speaker of the House next year. I believe that my passion for the organization and my ability to run it effectively make me uniquely qualified for this position. I look forward to getting to know all of you better through this position, and I am sincerely grateful for your time and consideration. I promise to work hard to earn your vote, and I will make sure your voice is heard in SGA. Thank you!”