Staff Applications

Hello Future CENTO staff,

It’s officially that time: staff application season. If you would like to be on staff next year, we would ask that you please fill out the application- even if you want to stay in a position you currently hold. APPLICATIONS ARE DUE BACK ON TUESDAY, MARCH 18 AT 5:00 PM. Email completed application and all supplementary materials to

The following positions are open: Managing Editor, Copy Chief, Section Editors, Business Manager, Technology Editor, Photo Editor, and Staff Writers. Some positions require supplemental materials, so please read the application carefully.

You may apply if you will be abroad for some of the year, just note it on your application. You may also apply for more than one position; list them in order of preference.

Finally, we will be attempting to be as fair as possible in our hiring process. We will be considering both the quality of the application (and the quality of any previous work for the CENTO). Please respect our decisions, because we do not come to them lightly.

If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to email .

Download the materials here:

Centre Staff Application 2014

Copy Chief Test