Study Abroad Q&A: Reading, England


Centre is famous for its various study abroad programs. Many of the programs, like those in Strasbourg and Merida, are taught by Centre professors who travel abroad alongside the students.

Centre’s program in Reading is different from other study abroad options because students select their own courses and take them from professors at the University of Reading in Reading, Bershire, United Kingdom. Before arriving in Reading, students must complete a course online to introduce them to British culture. Once all of the students arrive in London, they present on various cultural topics before moving into their dorms at the University of Reading.

In this issue, the Cento talked to Carly Jewell, a sophomore from Loveland, OH, who is currently studying abroad in Reading.

Q: What is a typical day like for you?

A: Every day is different in Reading. I only have classes Tuesday through Thursday, so I have a really long weekend. Every weekend we try to go somewhere new!

Q: Where have you traveled to on the weekends? What is your favorite place that you have visited?

A: So far we’ve been to Oxford, Windsor, Wales, Scotland, and Ireland. My friends and I liked Scotland best. We went to the Edinburgh Castle, took a walking tour, went to see the cafe (where J.K. Rowling wrote some of Harry Potter), and saw Dolly the sheep. We also went to St. Andrews and saw the golf course and the castle ruins. My favorite place was the castle in Edinburgh.

Q: Do you stay in a dorm on campus?

A: I stay in a dorm but it is actually off campus. Almost everyone here has a single, including me. My room is the same size as a double room at Centre.

Q: What classes are you taking?

A: I’m taking British Culture and Society, an English class on Margaret Atwood, and an environmental science class called Growth, De-growth, and Sustainability. I chose them because they were classes I knew I couldn’t take at Centre. A lot of classes for my major wouldn’t transfer as credit I needed, so I decided to take classes I was interested in!

Q: How have your classes connected you to British culture?

A: I’m currently taking a class on British Culture. So far we’ve covered British history, politics, and education.

Q: Was it challenging to adjust to living in Reading?

A: Living in Reading wasn’t really an adjustment. The campus is huge, which was a major difference from Centre.

Q: Have you had the chance to try any “British” cuisine?

A: I am actually a super picky eater so I’ve been avoiding stereotypical British food! I know [junior] Jessica Cruzan and [senior] Lauren Esterle have had haggis (Scottish food), fish and chips, and curry– which they’ve really enjoyed. They have also had a traditional English breakfast consisting of eggs, sausage, bacon, tomatoes, beans, mushrooms, and fried bread. Our campus food isn’t great, so I think that we’re all craving Cowan!

Q: Why did you choose this program?

A: I chose this program because I wanted an experience where I actually got to take classes with and interact with people from a different university. I preferred the more integrated nature of Reading to other programs.

Q: What would you say to someone who is thinking about studying abroad in Reading?

A: I would definitely recommend the program in Reading to other Centre students. It has been a great experience so far!