Letter to the Editor: Columnist’s Response to Previous Column Contribution


Dear readership,

In a recent article in The Gray Area, I stated a few opinions that I had toward the visitation policy.

Unfortunately, they may have been taken in ways I did not intend, which is partly due to poor interpretation and partly due to the way I presented them.

I don’t write this to rescind any views I shared. But I do write this to clarify two critical points.

In relating my time as a Centre student, I brought in my experience as an RA. For some, this might’ve been misconstrued to indicate that I do not respect or enforce the rules I am tasked with overseeing.

This couldn’t be further from the truth. I take much pride in my position as an RA. Furthermore, bringing in my RA position might have also given the false impression that RAs in general turn blind eyes to rules with which they do not agree. This, particularly, is absolutely false.

If my RA experience sent the wrong message concerning the visitation policy, then let my RA experience speak clearly about the residence life office.

I work alongside students and administrators who care deeply about their jobs and residents.

Enforcing these rules is central to maintaining a healthy residential life on Centre’s campus, and these men and women are very dedicated to serving that cause.

Any doubts you may have about my personal position should never be transferred onto them. Thank you for time, and thank you for your reading.

Your dear columnist,


Editor’s Note: This letter regards The Gray Area column from the second issue of the Cento from October 10, 2013, titled “The Visitation Policy: A Violation of Student Independence.” This letter presents a follow-up to the original column, written by the author himself.