“Going once, twice, SOLD!”

These words can be heard echoing throughout the Warehouse on Nov. 16 from 6:00 p.m. until 8:00 p.m. for Kappa Kappa Gamma’s annual philanthropy auction. However, the event is not just any ordinary auction. Instead of auctioning antique jewelry and marble sculptures one might find on a grandmother’s mantle, the Kappa women will be auctioning off dates with the finest gentlemen of Centre College to benefit their local philanthropy, The Center for Courageous Kids.

Like all Greek organizations on campus, the Kappa’s are no strangers to service. “Kappa Kappa Gamma has three aspects to their philanthropy. Part one is Rose McGill Aid [for Kappas, either undergraduate or alumni in need]. Part two is our national philanthropy, which is Reading is Fundamental. Part three is a local philanthropy of our choice, which is The Center for Courageous Kids,” Kappa Kappa Gamma Philanthropy Chair and junior Jenna Trost said.

Junior T.J. Vance relaxes and awaits the bids of audience members after his catwalk debut at the Kappa Kappa Gamma Date Auction in November 2012.
Junior T.J. Vance relaxes and awaits the bids of audience members after his catwalk debut at the Kappa Kappa Gamma Date Auction in November 2012.

The Kappa Date Auction is an energy-filled and unique event offered to the community that truly exemplifies the sorority’s commitment to local service and volunteering. The women of Kappa greatly value giving back to the community.

“We have regular service events at the Central Kentucky Wildlife Refuge as well as at [Boyle County Public library]. Last year [the women of our chapter completed] over 1,000 hours of community service,” Trost said.

Lucky winners of the Date Auction not only get to experience a date with Centre men, but will also have the satisfaction that they will help sponsor a child’s life-changing experience at the local camp. It costs $2,000 per child to attend camp. Kappa’s goal for their Date Auction is to be able to sponsor two children for a total of $4,000.

“There’s really nothing else like this event on campus. It’s such an original philanthropy event for Kappa to have,” Trost said. “Also, the event is always very fun and entertaining.”

This popular event was first imagined by a former philanthropy chair, Ashley Patrick, who knew of auctions at other schools and thought it would be a great addition to the events held on Centre’s campus.

To all of the potential bidders, be ready for an entertaining evening.

“Each man who has agreed to participate in the Date Auction will walk out to a song of their choice while their bio is read. Then the audience will have a chance to bid,” Trost said. “Sometimes guys will go for as much as $150. We’ll also have a simultaneous silent auction, which includes items from local businesses and items like Louisville [basketball] floor seats. [There will be] Date Auction t-shirts for people to buy this year.”

New for the auction this year, President John Roush and Susie Roush will be included in the auction line-up. One person will have the chance to realize everyone’s life-long dream of a double date with P. Roush and Susie.

Whether a bidder hopes to spend a romantic night out on the town or to enjoy some of the items showcased at the silent auction, this enjoyable and charitable night will be the perfect way to spend the evening. Not to mention the line-up of men is sure to include a classmate, fellow Bonner, sports team member, and the beloved President and First Lady of Centre College.

Senior Cody Cook, one of the volunteers to be auctioned-off as part of the line-up, thinks highly of the event and its philanthropic goal of creating happiness for kids who face chronic illnesses.

Women of Kappa Kappa Gamma posed after last year’s Date Auction to give thanks to those student who participated in both the date and silent auctions.
Women of Kappa Kappa Gamma posed after last year’s Date Auction to give thanks to those student who participated in both the date and silent auctions.

“It’s a fantastic event that the entire Centre Community enjoys. It was an honor to be asked and I’m looking forward to participating. Another great thing about this event is that it benefits The Center for Courageous Kids, which is an organization that I’ve worked for in the past and a place that I call my ‘home away from home,’” Cook said. “The event will be fun. I promise that you will laugh until you cry and have a great time.”

Junior Heath Haden, another date up-for-bid during the 2012 auction, performed his special routine for the audience to win the hearts and the bids of women in the crowd
Junior Heath Haden, another date up-for-bid during the 2012 auction, performed his special routine for the audience to win the hearts and the bids of women in the crowd

Each man participating has his own techniques and strategies of winning over the bidders, but Cook is saving his winning act for the big night.

“I’ve got some tricks up my sleeves. Everyone will just have to wait and see,” Cook said.

Nick Niehaus, also participating in the auction, wants to keep his auction plans a surprise.

“I don’t want to reveal much of anything,” Niehaus said. “Gotta keep the cards close to my chest. But I will be showcasing some dance moves to hopefully earn some more bids.”

Without a doubt, these men have fun and interesting ideas for engaging the audience and earning money for the sorority’s philanthropy.

“The first reason [as to why] I chose to do this event is because I thought it would be fun. It’s a great way to just let loose and to do something a little bit out of my comfort zone,” Niehaus said. “The second is because it is a great event that raises a lot of money (consistently every year) for a great cause.”

So whether a lucky lady is looking to spend her weekend cash allowance on a date with one of the many handsome fellows or just needing a good laugh after a long week of classes, supporting the women of Kappa Kappa Gamma in their philanthropy is a must. “To encourage people to come, I would say [to the ladies] that you will see strapping young men [sometimes not fully clothed] make fools of themselves,” Niehaus said. “[The fact that the men are] putting themselves out there is a great reason to come and because there is a wonderful cause behind all the shenanigans that makes the night even better.”