Letter to the Editor: Reaction to the Gray Area


Editor’s Note: This letter is in response to this article.

Dear Editor,

Respectfully, I disagree with the previous piece from the “The Gray Area” titled “The Visitation Policy: A Violation of Student Independence.” I am sure that the student only wished to express his opinions, but I personally believe that his opinion, on this matter, has woefully missed the mark.

Although Whitsett, the author, feels that the current visitation policy hampers personal growth, I am confident that in our visitation policy Centre students are provided with a social incubator of sorts.

Centre College’s visitation policies are actually progressive compared to those of the University of Kentucky, and many other colleges in our vicinity. Upon enrollment at Centre, young folks are gifted with a smooth transition into adulthood.

Although I know many students who believe that they are mature enough to handle relaxed visitation polices, I know just as many who will admit that they are grateful for the current regulations.

Whitsett asserts—without just cause—that the rule is outdated, unenforceable, and simply needless. I, politely, differ in my opinion.

As a tour guide, I have a chance to speak with many prospective students and their families. One of the first questions visitors ask about housing at Centre concerns the visitation policy for first-year students.

Each parent that I have spoken with about the policy agrees that the College does visitation the correct way: they are relieved that first-year students are offered support to live in a space where they can learn and grow without the threat of being “sexiled” by their peers.

As long as Centre College is a highly residential campus that allows most students to be housed with roommates, this policy will be relevant.

Our visitation policy means that Centre can have a social atmosphere without becoming known for a high proportion of pregnant students and weekday walks-of-shame. This policy allows parents to send their sons and daughters to a place that does not force them to do things that they do not want to do.

Unnecessary the policy isn’t. Outdated it shall never be. Easily broken it should not be.


C.J. Donald