CC After Dark: Crafting, Minions, and Future Fun

On Friday, Sept. 27, Centre’s late-night program CC After Dark took over the Campus Center for a night filled with arts and crafts.

The main event for the night was “Paint Your Own Pottery,” held inside Cowan.

Students sat at tables with mugs and plates to decorate with their own designs. Some of the pieces were adorned with stripes and polka dots; others featured elaborate paintings of animals such as cats and unicorns.

Junior Deanna Walker paints the face of senior Jenny Connor at the ADPi table.
Junior Deanna Walker paints the face of senior Jenny Connor at the ADPi table.

Outside of Cowan, campus organizations including Alpha Delta Pi, the Student Government Association (SGA), and the Diversity Student Union hosted tables and helped students with various crafts, such as face painting and make-your-own bracelets.

For those students competing in the Dean’s Cup, there was a station to swipe in and earn points for their team at the event.

Upstairs in the Ewen Room, there was a showing of the film Despicable Me 2. Posters from the film were given away as prizes throughout the evening.

“Arts and Crafts” night proved to be a success for the CC After Dark program. All of the pottery pieces available to students were snatched up and painted just a half an hour into the event.

“I really enjoyed painting pottery,” sophomore Cammie Jo Bolin said. “Everyone at the event seemed to be having a good time, and it was interesting to see the creativity of the other students.”

Student Life Coordinator and recent Centre graduate Elizabeth Frank, Director of Campus Activities Kendrick Durham, and Student Life Coordinator Sara Muren plan each CC After Dark program.

“Our goal is to provide an alternative for fraternity parties,” Frank said. “It’s a cool, chill event that doesn’t cost money or require going off-campus. It is something else to do on a weekend night for those who don’t want to sit in their room and study or go to parties.”

Each program has a different theme and features several smaller events within that theme. Events are not typically repeated unless they are extremely popular, like advanced screenings of movies before they are released on DVD.

The next CC After Dark program will be Halloween-themed, with the main event being SAC’s annual Halloween costume contest.

“We’re going to have a DJ and ‘Scare-aoke,’ which is scary Halloween singing,” Frank said. “There might be some creepy Halloween food. It will be like a big Halloween dance or music festival.”

The last program for the semester will take place on Nov. 15 and feature a revival of Centre’s Battle of the Bands, hosted by Centre Encore.

“The event encourages anyone on campus with a band or anyone who is musically inclined to enter the contest,” Frank said. “I know there will be prizes and a big set-up.”

Each band will have 20 minutes to perform and is required to play at least one original song.

Four Centre professors from various disciplines will judge the event.

“I’m really excited about the opportunity to work with Elizabeth Frank and the CC After Dark program,” sophomore and president of Centre Encore Sue Choi said. “It gives us the opportunity to reach out to more of the Centre community.”

Though the Office of Student Activities typically plans the events, student ideas for programming are welcome.

“I would love to hear from students about what they want to see,” Frank said. The next CC After Dark program will take place in the Campus Center on Saturday, Oct. 26.