Dear Abe: Study Tips

Dear Abe:

Studying has been a struggle this semester. Any advice for what I can do better as finals approach?

First of all, don’t try to study in solitude! Get friends to study with you. The louder and more energetic, the better. After all, you can focus on studying when other people are there to hold you accountable. They won’t distract you; in fact, if you guys can talk over homework problems, you’ll better understand the subject you are studying. Gossip or fun things going on in your life won’t be a worry because your love for the subject will overpower any temptations. With friends, you will be more focused than ever before.

Second, have some good study music. Throw out anything that could be cafe music—calm background noise—and listen exclusively to your favorite songs. Make a whole playlist full of the songs you want to sing along to. You can test your mental strength by focusing on your work with the best songs playing the entire time. Then, even if sirens go off in the middle of your test, you will be mentally prepared to keep going. Again, this is foolproof. It can’t go wrong.

Third, reward yourself with social-media scrolling between every assignment. Don’t worry about setting a timer, just enjoy yourself after studying so hard. You need to work towards something, and social media will let you turn your brain off after working so diligently.

Four, lock yourself in a study room. I don’t just mean close the door and stay in there until you are done studying. No, you have to get serious about studying, which means you should break the lock to the study room so that you have no choice but to study since you cannot leave. Sure, you might have to call for help from a friend or DPS to escape, but at least you’ll have gotten your studying done. 

If you aren’t ready for the full commitment of a lock-in, try these alternatives. From the roof of Olin, you’ll have a relaxing view of the entire campus as you work. Camping out in Grant by the music practice rooms will earn you a front row seat to a plethora of background music from Centre’s very own musicians. Like I suggested, some upbeat and unpredictable music is just what you need to increase your concentration. Another suggestion is the New Quad basements (or any basement — the Beta’s might be unfinished, but it’s a great study nook!) If you find yourself short on time, try getting work done in your other lectures. The classroom is the best place to work, and it’s even better when instruction is happening in the very same room!

One final tip: if you need to watch a video for a class, put it on and take a walk to visit your Northside friends. You won’t even need to put the video in 2x speed, because there will be plenty of ground to cover. 

I can assure you that if you follow these four study strategies, you will become a successful student. There’s nothing that could go wrong.

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