RateMyProfessors: Please Use It!

by Hallie Gleeson, Opinion Editor and Staff Writer

As projects and essays and late-night study sessions pile up, take a short break and head on over to RateMyProfessors.com. You know that class you’ve been complaining about for an entire semester? Yep, it’s time to let it all out, and don’t hold anything back. Take to the Yelp of academia and fill us in!

RateMyProfessors isn’t just free therapy; it’s crucial to making your pain worthwhile. Do us all a favor and record your experience for posterity! Detail the quirks of the professor, the highs and lows of grading scales, and everything you wish you had known before you clicked “Add” on registration day. As a student body, collaboration keeps us sane.

But don’t limit your reviews to venting your frustrations! Sing the praises of your favorites. A lot of professors check their own reviews—brighten up someone’s day and guide fellow students to our campus gems. If a certain professor’s enthusiasm and upbeat attitude made your 8 AM bearable, we’d all like to know. With a student population as small as Centre’s, a lot of our faculty only have a handful of reviews, and the current classes don’t always line up with the current experience.

Whether it’s an easy A or a class that makes you question your life choices, your insights can be the map to survival. Plus, your reviews don’t have to be serious (or long). A few well-chosen words can do the trick.

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