Kirby Fitzpatrick Platform

Centre friends, I am so excited to be running for SGA President. I have been on SGA for each semester I have been on campus, including spending two years on Executive Council as Communications Chairman and Secretary of Administration. As Communications Chairman, I worked to ensure that students were able to find any information about SGA efficiently. I created a weekly Cowan banner for SGA to best communicate with the students, as well as improved our social media outreach to better communicate with the campus community. As Secretary of Administration, I am currently planning a community-wide 5K at Millennium Park on April 22 to benefit Camp Horsin’ Around, an outstanding camp for disabled children right outside of Danville.

Next year, I have big plans to create a better campus for students.

  1. I will create a Sustainability Chairman for SGA. Centre SGA already does excellent work promoting a more sustainable campus, but I believe the addition of this position would help us to change our campus sustainability culture and would allow us to take on larger projects as an organization.
  1. I will create open dialogues between the administration and the student body. I would like to have monthly Q&A sessions between SGA members and the student body with different parts of the administration: the SLO, DPS, the RLO, and so on. Opening up avenues of communication between these groups at Centre can only help us improve our campus community.
  1. The Centre experience focuses on three pieces: learning, leadership, and service. I will work with service organizations on campus to create more cohesive, substantial service opportunities for students. Centre students are overprogrammed, limiting their ability to participate in service. I will help organizations to collaborate to allow Centre students more opportunity to get involved in campus and community service events. I have already met with Greg Chery, our Director of Community Service, and we are working together to ensure that these plans become a reality over the next year.

Because of my SGA experience, I know I can accomplish these tasks in the upcoming school year. The key to a successful SGA is the collaboration of all members working toward a common goal. As SGA President, I would build a diverse, creative Executive Council that would work to improve the student experience at Centre College. I am qualified, I am committed, and I am ready to help you! If you have any questions or suggestions for me or SGA as a whole, feel free to shoot me an email – I look forward to hearing from you!