Alex Grove Platform

Hi everyone! My name is Alex Grove, and I’m running to be your Speaker of the House for the Student Government Association during the 2017-2018 school year. I have a unique and ambitious vision for our already wonderful community in the upcoming year. On campus, I’m involved in several clubs and have faithfully served on SGA this year. Because of this, I am able to understand the different issues that face the diverse campus community we have. I will fight for the entire student body and not just a narrow segment.

While serving on SGA, I have not missed a vote or been absent for a general session the entire year. My continued presence has allowed me to best understand the issues that matter most to students on this campus, and accordingly, my platform is based on your voice. While I will fight my best to represent all students’ interests, I am not the important person in this election. Your voice is what matters. That’s why all my policy goals and work this year have been geared towards issues that students truly care about

Sustainability. Water bottle refilling stations are a necessary facet in every college dorm building. These machines eliminate the several hundred water bottles used a week by students who have no easy access to filtered water in their dorms. Particularly, freshman dorms are in dire need of the filling stations; it is unhealthy and paints a poor picture of the school to not have easy access to water in dorm buildings. I’ve already worked with the RLO and maintenance office to make this a reality during my time on SGA. This initiative is emblematic of the first portion of my platform which focuses on practical and common sense initiatives that can lower the waste on campus. I will work beyond the water bottle refilling stations to promote recycling and general environmental awareness by talking to groups like CEA, like recycling programs. I promise that I will continue to brainstorm and think of new ideas if I’m elected to promote sustainability on campus.

Student Health. Reform of the medical amnesty policies is one of the most pressing issues for students on campus. I have supported and assisted Stephen Marks with an initiative to reform the student handbook to provide more than one medical amnesty. Under the current rules, students are only protected from citations the first time that medical attention is called for them. Students should not fear retribution for calling for a friend in need. We need a policy update so that the school is able to promote student health and safety. I promise that as a representative of the student body that I will work with the administration to enact this change.

Safety on Campus. According to the Centre College website, only four individuals reported being sexually assaulted on campus to the Department of Public Safety in 2015. It is estimated that up to 11.2% of college students experience sexual assault during their undergraduate experience. That means that over 150 assaults are probably happening on this campus in a four year period. Students need to feel more comfortable coming forward. I fully support Olivia Renfro’s initiative to change the sexual assault policy on campus to improve student safety. I will assist her to the best of my ability by using SGA, students, faculty and administration resources. I promise that I will be a strong voice of support for all survivors of sexual assault and a leader in preventing assault in the future.

Members of the student body, I am running to make our Centre campus a place where your voice is heard. I hold the Centre community in a special place in my heart, and I want to work to make it the best version it can be. If you ever want to discuss my positions, please reach out to me at After all, what really matters is what you, the students, think is most important. If you believe that my platforms reflect your concerns on this campus, please consider voting for me between the 15th and 17th. Roll Colonels!