Hunt VanderToll Platform

Hunt VanderToll is running for the position of SGA President


Finishing up Junior year, I have had the opportunity to look back on my last three years at Centre and really take stock of what has been important to me. SGA definitely sits at the top of that list. I am currently the only candidate running for president who has served on SGA every semester they have been at Centre and I have had the pleasure of experiencing many different aspects of this organization. I served on the Finance Committee my first two years and I was able to see the projects and events each organization on campus facilitated. This past year, I served as Speaker of the House for SGA. In this role I was without a committee and I had the freedom to truly work for you, the student body. This Fall, I sent out a survey inquiring about student needs. After reading your responses, I have been working with the school on the addition of new printers on campus, I wrote and proposed the funding request for the new Mac Chargers in the Campus Center and I worked with library staff to purchase more chargers for the library. I also worked with the SLO to get the upgraded multiple-port outlets for the Campus Center. I did all of this along with helping with the administrative running of SGA.


As many have probably seen this year, SGA has had a bit of a problem communicating with the student body. I have two main ways to remedy that. First, I want to send off the minutes from our general sessions so that every student has the opportunity to know what we do. It is one extra email every other week and I feel like letting you all know what we do with over $200,000 is a good first step. Second, I want to set up a Text-To-Suggest program that gives the student body a number so that they can send suggestions to SGA. Though I know we are all adept at emails, I know how quick and easy a simple text can be, especially in the moment. This would keep us accountable to listening to the daily needs of students.


A common question from students to SGA is “What exactly do you do?” I think that SGA taking a greater role in campus life can provide a solution to that question. SGA can pass resolutions or hold forums all day long, but at the end of the day, many students want to be able to see and use the resources we are able to provide. I am working with the administration on the possibility of adding more printers on campus; I know many students would like them closer to their residence halls and therefore it is my goal to see this project through. I plan to work with SGA’s Campus Improvements Committee to get more outdoor benches on campus. They make for a great place to study in the fall and spring. Who doesn’t love spending time outside? Furthermore, I hope to work with the College to convert the many “loading zone” spaces in the Brockman parking lot into actual parking spaces. Other than move-in day, this area sits empty even though they are in a prime spot to service many students throughout the year. Also, adding painted whiteboard walls, similar to those in Young, to more study spaces is also a goal of mine. This would provide a cheap and effective way to improve the study spaces on campus.

Thank you to everyone who took the time to read this. As a fellow Centre student, I know your time is valuable. All of my above points have one purpose: to support you. As President, I hope that I can leave Centre better than when I entered. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me. My email is”