Historic home moves to campus

By Nicole Pottinger – Staff Writer

On Jan. 20, the Centre College community celebrated the moving of a house from Fifth Street to Walnut Street, alongside Greek Row.

This move was not only highly anticipated, but also televised in the regional area.

What was supposed to be a tedious, yet historical process evolved into something much more meaningful to the Centre community.

Director of Facilities Management Wayne King and Assistant Director of Building Trades Scott Messer were in charge of this move. King explained the protocol for the entire process of moving the house.

This started with several meetings between Facilities Management and a moving contractor, as well as coordination with the Kentucky State Department of Transportation, local law enforcement, and local utility companies to ensure the fluidity of the move.

We were very pleased with how smooth everything went … I would consider the move a success,” King said.

Students were less concerned with the technical and legal aspects of the move and rather focused on the historical event taking place.

Sophomore Laurin Hisle attended the house moving party “mainly because I wanted to see a house moving on wheels, something you don’t get to see everyday.”

There were “lots of people who were all very excited to be partaking in a historic event and see the house finally move,” Hisle said.

Word of the house move spread around campus starting at the beginning of the school year. Students received some updates via email, but nothing seemed set in stone.

When a date for the move was finally set, campus was abuzz. The anticipation of the event sparked a lot of interest by the time the house was set to move.

It was the place to be that night. Everyone was there to see the house finally being moved. It had been a long buildup to it actually happening and people just wanted to see it when it finally took place,” Hisle said.

In regards to the moving of the house being a ‘party,’ junior Alisha Russell said, “I didn’t know it was going to be a party when I went outside [to watch] … it just sort of evolved.”

Word spread quickly about the crowd following the house moving, and things simply escalated from there. Groups of friends followed the house as it traveled at one mph to its destination on Greek row.

Some students walking with speakers and fraternities even chose to play ‘house’-themed music catered towards the event.

No one knew it was going to be the event that it was. Centre students (along with President Roush, Susie, and the Centre Community as a whole) are good at making any situation fun, and I think the fact we turned a house move into a ‘party’ proves that,” Russell said.

Now that the house is finally situated between the Kappa Alpha Theta house and Bingham Hall, the question becomes: when will the house be available as a residential option for students?

The house should be available to live in by fall 2015, and King confirmed. “That is our plan, and we will make it happen.”