Alternative Spring Break

BY STEWART COARD – STAFF WRITER A group of Centre students and faculty traveled up to Chicago this March to spend spring break volunteering and learning about poverty. The Alternative Spring Break Program provides students with the opportunity to use their free time to not only benefit others, but explore issues relating to poverty, immigration,…

Spotlight On: Vantage Point

BY OLIVIA MURRELL – STAFF WRITER What is Vantage Point? Vantage Point Literary Magazine is a student-run, student-written, and student-illustrated literary magazine that comes out once a semester, sometimes including Centre Term. The Centre Term issues are still run by students, but feature faculty and staff writings and illustrations. Vantage Point accepts writing from students…

Faculty Recommended Reads

BY KERSEY REYNOLDS – STAFF WRITER Dr. Helen Emmitt, J. Rice Cowan Professor of English, Chair of the English Department “I generally love books, so it isn’t very easy for me to choose favorites or even those most influential to me.  I do know that the two authors who made me go to graduate school…

To Break Bread in Cowan

BY MAX ADDINGTON – STAFF WRITER Next to “How’d your test go?” and “What in the world is going on with this weather?,” the question “What’s at Cowan?” is one of the most frequently asked questions on a day to day basis at Centre. The answer to this question usually determines whether or not you…

Dancing With a Purpose

BY COLLEEN COYLE – STAFF WRITER Finals are fast approaching and the air of tension as students bustle from class to class and lock themselves in the library for hours at night has never been so high. Few people would imagine that two weeks ago on March 31st these very same stressed out students were…