In China, almost all English students receive an English name. In order to make the educational experience more authentic, students either give themselves an English name or are given one by their English teacher.

Since a student’s English name is nothing formal enough to be put on his/her state issued ID, the naming process is always one of the most delightful parts of an English class.

Personally, I have had several English names. My first English name was Lucy, which perhaps sounds closest to my real name, Lu. After I entered middle school, my new English teacher thought Rose would be a good choice.

I was fond of that name because Titanic was a big hit during the time; Rose and Jake became popular Western names. After I entered high school, however, I felt knowledgeable enough to pick my own English name, and became Ashley.

But when I came to Centre, I found people preferred to call me by my real name, Lu. They thought it fit me best: I don’t look like an “Ashley” at all. I encourage you to ask your Chinese friends about their English-name revolution. I am sure you will be surprised by the stories they have to tell.